University of Pittsburgh, University Center for Social & Urban Research, Brown Bag Seminar, 2016. 4. 15

Operating the Game-theoretic National Interstate Economic Model
: A Numerical Example of Aviation Cyber Security [link]

‌This study suggests the development of a quantifying framework of direct and indirect economic damages caused by a cyber-attack on an airport security system. The vulnerability of an aviation system to cyber-attacks has been increasing due to the reliance of transportation systems on internet-based technologies. A cyber-attack on a major U.S. aviation hub has the potential to cause damage to both U.S. and global economies since airport systems are tightly interrelated both locally and globally. Measuring the economic impact of cyber-attacks against an airport is important to predict the expected economic impact of an attack on the U.S. aviation system. By combining the probability of an attack with the value of subsequent economic impacts, a new operating framework that contributes to an understanding of strategies in cyber-terror security is suggested. It is called a Game Theoretic National Interstate Economic Model (G-NIEMO) that combines competitive games with a multiregional economic impact model of the U.S. and can be used to identify the probabilistic costs of airport closure and the economic importance of cyber security both by place of event and type of industry. Using the equilibrium strategies identified by G-NIEMO, general guidelines to evaluate security resource allocations will be developed to help airport administrators and aviation security agencies understand optimum levels of security at U.S. airports.

국토연구원 국가도시방재연구센터 전문가 특강, 2016. 3. 16

후변화와 연안도시 방재전략

먼저 기후변화에 따른 연안도시의 영향을 살펴본 뒤, 세계 주요 연안도시의 방재전략을 살펴 보고 국내 연안도시에 적용할 수 있는 방재전략을 논의한다.
1) 연안지역은 공간적 특수성의 이해 및 개별적인 접근.
2) 포괄적 취약성 평가를 위해 지역에 맞춘 통합적 취약성 평가로 전이
3) 개별적 국민행동요령의 전파 및 반복적 훈련,
4) 해수면 상승에 따른 항만시설의 고려 필요.